Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Oldřich Miffek

Letňany lentils are the largest project since 1990, which the city has been implementing. The previous one was the transformation of the Old Village. It is a pity that during the preparation of Lentilek, probably no one realized that it would be good to build on the experience gained during the construction on Stará Návsa. The project was entrusted on behalf of the district to one person who moves around it from the preparation of the project until its complete completion. At least that was not reasonable. Continue reading “Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Oldřich Miffek”

Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Honza Mikulecký

We completely changed the housing estate. 4 years of work are a reality today. New playgrounds, more parking, full of greenery… Lentils are finished in the first phase and the old housing estate is now a modern place to live. My 4 years with Lentilky brought me a huge life experience. Continue reading “Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Honza Mikulecký”

Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Tomáš Raška

The Letňany lentils project could be a beautiful bite in pre-election times: trees are being cut down, the budget will be exceeded, residents are complaining. But such criticism would be unfair. We will probably all agree that the old “Avian” settlement was not exactly a representative locality. I like the method of solution chosen by the Letňany town hall: instead of gradual partial modifications, a radical and relatively quick solution. Continue reading “Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Tomáš Raška”

Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Jiří Streit

The project of transforming the northern part of Letňany in such a breadth (volume of finances) is not remembered by Letňany, but it certainly deserves this investment. The goal set by the town hall was to make everyday life more pleasant and better for citizens living in the former Avia housing estate, to complete the missing facilities of this part of the village, to completely remove concrete and asphalt sidewalks, and to drastically improve greenery. I am convinced that this part of Letňany needed a new “coat”. Mothers with children should be most pleased with the transformation – great emphasis was placed on this within the project.
Continue reading “Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Jiří Streit”