Representatives evaluate Lentilky: Honza Mikulecký

We completely changed the housing estate. 4 years of work are a reality today. New playgrounds, more parking, full of greenery… Lentils are finished in the first phase and the old housing estate is now a modern place to live. My 4 years with Lentilky brought me a huge life experience.

Already after the first presentation in September 2011, one chairwoman of SVJ from Malkovský told me that we need to communicate such a change to people correctly. A website was created, I wrote dozens of articles, answered hundreds of questions and organized several other presentations. Never in the history of Letňany has any project been presented as transparently as Lentilky.

The project was gradually modified during negotiations with SVJ or according to the ideas and comments of individual people. Letňany lentils are the result of our joint discussion and thanks to you, the inhabitants of Letňany, who contributed to their final form with your opinions, we have completed such an extensive change in our surroundings. I believe that most of you will like it and others will find their way to Lentilky in the coming years.

Honza Mikulecký
Radní MČ Praha 18

Source: Letňanské listy, October 2014