The Letňanská lentilka project will significantly interfere with the parking system in the housing estate. “A total of about 140 will be added, however, the actual number will be known after the elaboration of the project implementation documentation,” the representative Jan Mikulecký represents the future situation.
After the public presentation of Letňany lentils with the housing estate, nonsense and rumors about the total disruption of all parking spaces in Krausova Street began to spread. It’s not true. The project prefers active and green areas in the middle of the housing estate and parking on its edge. “However, Krausova remains an important artery that connects Malkovského and Místecká and cars will park along its edge, as shown in the picture. In total, 50-60 parking spaces will remain in Krausova Street and none of them is planned as paid,” adds Jan Mikulecký. City Hall will not build any parking garages and subsequently force residents to rent expensive parking spaces.